Your videos will be stored here as MP4 files, which you can then upload or move elsewhere. You can also access your video from its default location in File Explorer: C:\Users\\Videos\Captures.

Click the notification to view your video in the Game Bar. Once the recording ends, a notification tells you that the game clip was recorded. To stop the recording, click the Recording button on the floating bar. After you click the screen, the Game Bar widgets vanish, replaced by a small floating bar in the upper-right corner of the screen through which you can control the recording. Now you are free to perform whatever screen actions you want to capture. Click the Start Recording button or use the Win + Alt + R keyboard shortcut to capture your screen activity. Several widgets will appear on the screen with controls for capturing screenshots, recording video and audio, and broadcasting your screen activity. Now you can navigate to the screen you wish to record and press Win+G to open Game Bar.

The feature's keyboard shortcuts can be viewed and customizes in the settings menu of the Xbox Game Bar app. To set up Game Bar in Windows 11, go to Settings > Gaming > Xbox Game Bar and turn on the switch for Open Xbox Game Bar using this button as a controller to use an Xbox gamepad to activate the Game Bar. From here, you can also check the box for Open Xbox Game Bar using this button on a controller to trigger the Game Bar through the Xbox button on an Xbox controller.įrom this screen, you can also view the default shortcuts associated with different Game Bar actions, or customize them with your own key combinations. To set up Game Bar in Windows 10, go to Settings > Gaming > Xbox Game Bar and turn on the switch for Enable Xbox Game Bar. The Game Bar lets you record activity from most locations, except the desktop, File Explorer, and certain Windows apps, such as Weather.

However, it can just as easily capture screen activity from other, non-gaming, applications. Built into Windows, the Xbox Game Bar is designed to record games that you play directly on your PC or those you stream from an Xbox console.